Haha, what a ridiculously simple graphic. Not too hard to guess which the two candidates are. Not much to say about the other cover pics, sorry for the huge bend on the back cover, I think my book got it when it was mailed to me.
Tori is on 15 pictures, 2 of them alone.
Nichelle is on 15 pictures, 1 of them alone.
Ana is on 11 pictures, 2 of them alone.
Chelsie is on 13 pictures, 3 of them alone.
Barbie is on 15 pictures, 2 of them alone.
Lara is on 10 pictures, 2 of them alone.
Seems like the cover photographer aren't too fond of Lara and Ana :/ Which is a shame, because they're the two arguably best looking girls.
Woohoo, now the student council book is up, I'm allowed to talk about my personal experience with trying out for student council. They said it was up for everyone, and that they wanted different people to try out, but the exact year me and other "underdog" candidates tried out, the teachers changed the rules so the same girl who was the best known girl in the school was allowed to try out again and again, and of course she got all of the votes then. So, most schools are ruled by cronyism, I guess.
Even Wikipedia says that democracy is all about popularity. I don't think the intention of democracy is that only popular people are allowed to vote and express their opinion, though :/ See, if they hadn't treated me that way, my dream career wouldn't be dictator for the rest of my life, would it?
Oh well, back to the MIH weirdos. Nichelle complains about her piles of homework. She says that Tori is a math whiz, but Tori reminds her that Nichelle is only tenth of a point behind. Nichelle is complaining about how hard the work, but how much it is piling up. Her friends will support her, and Nichelle will just turn herself into a homework machine. She doesn't look like one though, but an up and coming teen model. Barbie tells them that Matthew Choy, vice president of the student council, is moving to Brazil. They need someone who cares about issues, not just one of those who wants it to look good on their college application. So a strong person, not one of the "I'm so cool" slacker types. I c what u did thar. Barbie has to write a farewell piece about Matt for the school newspaper. Nichelle meets Thomas Garie, one of the few guys that makes her feel short and flustered. He's a great dancer, a track star, one of the coolest guys in school and a future Ivy league student. He apologizes for not seeing her much, but he has been busy with college applications. Nichelle says that she has very much to do in Mr. Budge's class herself. Thomas suggests that she goes with him to the library to include information from original pioneer maps. For once Nichelle is not the popular one, Thomas is and he's greeted by everyone outside. Andy, one of the pants boys, greets Nichelle. Thomas asks her if she hangs out with those geeks. Nichelle gets angry, but Thomas explains that he was just joking. Nichelle loves the library and the old pioneer maps. Thomas takes her out for tea afterwards and they have tea, sandwiches and scones in a cute little teahouse where the owner knows Thomas' mother. Thomas talks about his exchange year in France, his sailboat, his summer internship, travel plans, and famous older brother. He also tells funny jokes. They had a lovely time and Thomas says that they should do this again soon. Nichelle finishes her homework, then she writes a letter to Niecy, wondering if tea and the library just counted as a date.
Nichelle still takes the subway with her mother to school. She doesn't think Nichelle put all her hopes on Thomas as he's a senior and will leave seen. She has met his parents sometimes and his mother is very sweet, but his father is quite standoffish. Nichelle says that Thomas wasn't that way last year at least, and he's very handsome. So Thomas is supposed to be a stereotypical snooty upper class boy then? Principal Simmons make an announcement about Matt's leave. Not only has he made a great contribution to the school, he was the only one who knew all words to Louie, Louie. To choose Matt's replacement, they'll hold a special election. Everyone is allowed to elect anyone, and the four students with most votes will be asked to campaign until next Friday, the 13th (oh!). They'll debate the issues, then the votes will be counted later that day. Nichelle will meet up with Tori at Eatz after class. She's tired but smiles wide when she sees the pants boys. Evan and Andy are both good students, honest and eager and enjoys life to the fullest. Andy distribute his complicated electronic music compositions for free over the internet. Evan, the shyer one is a techical whiz who could make a computer from a ball of string and a box of donuts. Hi MacGyver. Why are Evan and Andy suddenly so profound and so good at hiding their profoundness? Nichelle looks over at cute Thomas, who is sitting in another booth with some kids from the debate team. All the girls have had a terrible day. Thomas asks Nichelle if she's running for student president. She doesn't have the time. Andy suggests Tori, but she hasn't time either. Rick, a guy at the next table says that someone has to do it, and it would be terrible if a dweeb filled that position. Thomas suggests that Rick should do it, but he has his time filled with debate team, mixed chorus and basketball. Tori laughs and says that they're all talk and no action. Rick replies that everyone on his table whould be better suited to student government than everyone on theirs. Tori says that she and Nichelle are the only ones with any experience, so they would be better suited for the position than any of you illywhackers(which means braggart and conman). See that Tori had got herself a new favorite word besides boofhead. Thomas suggests that they solve this by drawing straws at each table, and the one who draws the shortest straw has to submit his or her names for elections. They do so, and Megan draws the shortest straw at the debater's table, and Andy at the sophomores tables. Skaters vs Debaters. Chelsie has been given this lovely old William Blake poetry book by her mum. Barbie will go and film for a zit commercial, as if she'd ever had a zit in her life. Nichelle goes home with her mother. The family makes dinner together. After that, Chelsie calls. She's in tears as she has lost the poetry book. As she'd checked her room and backpack, Nichelle suggests she has left it in the cab. So Chelsie will call the cab company. She remembers that her driver was named Muhammad Ali, same as the famous boxer. Nichelle hopes that Andy won't get hurt by the election.
Everyone is busy at school. Nichelle thinks about Thomas' feelings for her and the election issue. She tok time to drop off her vote for Andy. The four final candidates are Ashley Burt, Andy Groebner, Megan Graham and Max Sklar. The debaters, even Thomas, act quite smug about Andy as a finalist, but he wants to keep running. He's still quite shy, but he wants to make a point that the school is for everyone. Ana suggests that Nichelle should be his campaign manager as he's quite inexperienced. When she calls him, she hears a lot of strange noises in the background. Andy thinks that would be great. Nichelle buy supplies and the girls make posters, following Lara's artistic ideas. Nichelle is all "Yes, we can." Everyone is in great spirits, they have big hope in Andy and makes up the slogan "MIH is for us all".
Nichelle shares a cab with her family. She'll get early to school to hang up the posters with her friends. The school looks like it should be Megan international high. A huge banner with Megan&Manhattan is strung across the escalators. The M&M logo in a classic skyline shape. Huge posters with Megan's face on them. Loudspeakers blasting a cool rap about her. And they give out giant cookies with M written by M&Ms on them. Megan herself gives out colorful buttons. How and why would anybody put this much money and effort into a school campaign? They still hang up their posters, which Barbie thinks have a real distinctive and real look. The whole school talk about Megan though. At lunch, Nichelle overhears two debate club girls talking about if Megan is getting back together with Thomas. Nichelle is unsettled by this, as she didn't know they had been together in the first place. At home, she has two notes. One asking her to call Chelsie back, and one about from her agent asking her to call back if she agrees on doing a photoshoot at 3 PM tomorrow with Michael Morse, a famous fashion photographer. She calls back and then she asks M'dear to go with her. So Nichelle calls Chelsie back. Chelsie has been to the taxidrivers agency, and a woman there will get in touch with the driver for her. Chelsie was afraid he would call her at home, so she gave them Nichelle's contact details. Nichelle wonders if it's wise to date Thomas, which is running her enemy's political campaign.
Nichelle is sitting in Mr. Budges class, her mind on the photoshoot. What a day she's been having. It's pouring, she has a bad hair day, two pop quizzes, the election stuff, and she had to eat the awful cafeteria food in two minutes because of a surprise Generation Beat Meeting. At the way out, some debaters tell her that her candidate was busted by Merlin for skateboarding in the hall. Nichelle wonders if it's true, but just says that gossip has no place in this campaign. Nichelle takes a cab to the shoot. Monique Dutou, a famous makeup artist, will be doing Nichelle's hair and makeup today. Nichelle was a bit stressed and tired, but Monique made her look amazing. Then Nichelle gets the idea of giving Andy a makeover so people would take him more seriously. The photoshoot were such a lovely experience. At home Nichelle is talking with her parents. She think she started to love modeling when she played dress up in the attic as a kid. She talks about her makeover idea. Her parents hope it won't take too much time from her school work. Shawn says that Andy could use a lot of work before he looks like the candidate for the ages. The Shawn starts talking about the flooded library at his school, but Nichelle keeps thinking about her plans for Andy. She calls Barbie to ask her if she can give Andy speech lessons, Tori if she can set up a website where they could email Andy questions and read about his view. She must work on the website so it's ready by tomorrow afternoon. Then Muhammad Ali calls her, saying that Henry Chu who shares a cab with him found the book and they could pick it up at his place in Chinatown. Nichelle will go with Chelsie to Chinatown after school and Chelsie will join the makeover project.Thomas calls Nichelle, asking her if she wants to go to the library with him again tomorrow and go out for dinner after that. She says the she has something to do after school, but could meet him at four. Then Nichelle has the weirdest dream, the school has become a big carnival, mr. Budge sells cotton candy, there's an arcade game with little mechanical skateboarders to knock down, all resembling Andy, Megan is standing at the counter wearing the beautiful dress Nichelle wore at the photoshoot and throwing baseballs which is getting closer to hit the little mechanical skateboarders, which is ducking and screaming "MIH is for us all". Nichelle is standing to one side in her pajamas, not sure if anyone could see her. She wants to yell "MIH is for everyone", but she can't speak.
Nichelle picks out clothes for herself, then she borrows some of Shawn's clothes for Andy. She asks Barbie to go with her to soften the makeover idea so Andy won't be offended. Andy is in secret a good writer and has written five logical paragraphs about his campaign issues, which Tori will present on the website. Community-service incentives, a student-sponsored antismoking campaign, a scholarship fund for studying abroad, a club for helping struggling students with coursework, and a student council-run workshop on how to get into the college of your dreams. He agrees a bit reluctantly on changing his style for two days, and they lead him to the band room. He looks great in a suit, Nichelle thinks that he would look even better with a haircut, but maybe that's going too far. Then they say that so everyone can understand what he says, Andy has to be given speech lessons. I'm picturing Ladette to Lady here. Ana says that Megan is going to give out cookies with her pictures on them on election day, so to counter that they will make rubber stamps with Andy's name and website address, and stamp that on colorful sticky notes they'll hang up over the whole school. Nichelle thinks about how weird it is to date her political enemy. On their way to Chinatown, she and Chelsie taste Asian pears and admire embroidered clothing. Mr. Chu has given the book to his girlfriend for safekeeping. They get her name, Maria Fuentes, and her address, so they'll go to her place tomorrow.
Nichelle meet Thomas at the library. They work for about two hours, then he take her out for dinner at La Petite Maison. They have onion soup, chicken breasts, a green salad and chocolate mousse. Thomas will go to an Ivy League college, Nichelle hopes to combine school and modeling. Then he says that he wants to save Andy from a humiliating defeat and help Nichelle make him a strong second. Nichelle gets up. She's angry and speaks it out with her mother at home. She calls Andy, and for the third time it's those odd sounds in the background. He has a surprise for her and will meet her tomorrow in the band room.
They put up notes over the school and Andy's webpage has been visited by more than four hundred students already. His speech lessons are going better and Andy's surprise was that he got his hair cut into a neat style. They also got some news from the poll that Andy's currently frontrunner! Many students congratulate Nichelle on her campaign. She and Chelsie go to East Harlem to find Maria Fuentes, which is going backpacking in Europe. She gave the book to her friends son, Vittorio De Franco, which goes to MIH too. He knew who Chelsie was from the newspaper, so he'll give the book back to her.
Friday the 13th. Nichelle is nervous as she would hate to see Andy lose because he isn't part of a popular clique. So our girls aren't the cool gang then? I could see Barbie as a popular preppy girl in no time. Maybe Nichelle as popular, but not that preppy. Lara as the bright, preppy, well-liked but not extremely popular type, as she would get along with many people, and she's EUROPEAN. Who could have made the election more interesting as a not very popular type? Maybe Chelsie, she's cute, and would probably have a breakdown or something. She calls Andy to ask if his speech is ready and Tori to make sure that she and Evan will be moral support backstage. Each candidate will have eight minutes to speak, then there will be time for rebuttals. Megan looks cool and confident, but speaks only about making money for clubs by things like bake sales. Still, the audience cheers. This is sort of a joke, where supergirl Megan doesn't have ambitions for more than a bake sale, and everything is backwards. Max and Ashley have short and clear speeches, but the audience is indifferent. Andy comes in, with a briefcase and suit, showing off his new haircut, which he had kept hidden under his hat. He asks students not to vote for him unless they think high school students can aspire to anything more than a bake sale and believes that the school shouldn't be ruled by certain groups. He thinks that the school should include, not exclude and that students forget important issues like homelessness. Andy says that students should work together and remember what links them to others. To start this, he has created a cd with his best friend and ten procent of the earnings will be donated to MIH charities. He wants everyone to get involved and participate, and they can do that by voting for him. The audience cheers and Thomas give Megan a consolation hug. Nichelle casts her vote, and Andy is back in his regular clothes, skateboarding with Tori and Evan. Of course Andy wins and he thanks everyone, especially Nichelle for helping him deliver a boarders message dressed in Ivy League clothing. "MIH for everyone!", "Mih is for us all"!.
They have a victory party for Andy. So all the jungle sounds in the background were caused by the production. Profits will be donated to a school charity, and he has even dedicated the album to Nichelle. Lara has framed one of the campaign posters and Chelsie really likes Vittorio and will go to a poetry reading with him. Even Thomas and Megan, which are together now, come over to gratulate them. Next day, Nichelle goes running with Ana and some of her friends, even a new cute guy, Mikel. Nichelle writes to Niecy that Mikel is a great guy and the might even start an ecology club at school together.
The point is to not judge by appearances. I can judge by writing only, and the books have not left hints about their smartness. In fact, there has been no such thing in the earlier books, and all of a sudden Andy's almost perfect and extremely intelligent. Why did he cut his hair and wear a business suit if the point is that looks don't matter?
An election article, and for the last time. Writing=honesty=truth!
This book in one word: Unrealistic.